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Koffi, Ettien. 2018. Guide d'Orthographe et de Lecture de l'Agni Morofou. 3eme edition. Bongouanou, Côte d'Ivoire: CATA Koffi, Ettien. 2014. Towards an Optimal Representation of Tones in the Orthographies of African Languages ACALAN. 2005. Crossborder Language Planning Abdiraham, Mohamed and Ettien Koffi. 2012. An Exploratory VOT Analysis of Somali Stop Consonants. Akouabou Sandrine 2005 on Anyi Indenie Dolphine Florence 1986 History of the Akan People King, Amber and Ettien Koffi. 2012. An Acoustic Account of the Allophonic Realization of (T) Koffi, Ettien 1990 Phonology and Orthography of Anyi Koffi, Ettien 2005 Language Planning and Orthography Development Koffi, Ettien 2006 Academic Records Koffi, Ettien 2006 Designing Optimal and Supradialectal Orthographies Koffi, Ettien 2008 Less Commonly Taught Languages Koffi, Ettien 2010 Preface of Syntax Book Koffi, Ettien 2010 Somali ED Koffi, Ettien 2011 Somali S Conference Proceeding Koffi, Ettien 2012 Editors Prologue Koffi, Ettien 2012. Paradigm Shift in Language Planning and Policy: Game-theoretic Solutions. Koffi, Ettien 2012 Somali Acoustic Vowel Space LeBlanc, Doug and Ettien Koffi. 2012. A Laboratory Phonology Account of the Past Tense Suffix (-ED) and Its Allophones. Mouchi, Blaise Ahua 2004 on Anyi Orthography International African Institute. 1930. Practical Orthography of African Languages. Adegoju, Adeyemi. 2008. Empowering African Languages: Rethinking the Strategies. Felix Banda Orthography Design International Institute of African Practical Orthography for African Languages Hyman, Larry. African Languages and Phonological Theory. Garcez, Pedro. 1993. Debating the 1990 Luso-Brazilian Orthographic Accord. Gibbon, Dafydd. Problems and Solutions in African Tone Language Text-to-Speech Cahill, Mike and Elke Karan. 2008. Factors in Designing Effective Orthographies for Unwritten Languages Clements, G.N. and Annie Rialland. 2005. Africa as a Phonological Area. Anderson, Stephen. 2008. A Phonological Sketch of Ngiemboon-Bamileke Pearce, Mary. 2008. ATR Allophones or Undershoot in Kera Fallon, Paul. 2006. Blin Orthography Ulfers, Robert E. and Ngang David. 2000. A Practical Study of the Orthography of Compound Words in the Karang Language Somé, Joachim. 2004. Dagara Orthography Koffi, Ettien. 2008. Dave Roberts-Rapport Final de Doctorat Koffi, Ettien. 2006. Designing Optimal and Supradialectal Orthographies Lienhard R et M. Giger. 2009. Document de Reference-Langue Daba Showalter, Stuart D. 2007. Ghost Consonants: The Glottal Stop in Kaansa Hosken, M. 2003. Creating an Orthography Description Jackson, Chris. 1998. Kenyang Tone Orthography Reading Test Richard Keith Sprigg. 1997. Lepcha Orthography-An Earlier and a Later Stage Allison, Sean. 2006. Alphabet et Orthographe de Makari Cahill, Mike. 2008. More Universals of Tone Ruff, Naomi J. 2005. Phonology of Lagwan Viljoen, Melanie et al. 2009. Precis d'Orthographe pour la Langue Buwal ADEA. 2003. Relevance of Education-Adapting Curricula and Use of African Languages Koffi, Ettien. 2008. Review of David Roberts' Ph.D. dissertation: L'Orthographe du Ton en Kabyè au Banc d'Essai Holton, Gary. 2003. Shallow Tone Marking and Literacy in Alaskan Athabascan Languages Vendelin, Inga and Sharon Perperkamp. 2006. The Influence of Orthography on Loanword Adaptations Koffi, Ettien. 2010. The Pronunciation of (-ED) in Coda Clusters in Somali-Accented English Roberts, Dave. 2008. Thirty Years of Tone Orthography Testing in West African Languages Connell, Bruce. 2001. Tone Languages and the Universality of Intrinsic F0 Mbuagbaw, Tanyi E. 1995. Denya Tone Orthography



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